Monday, June 3, 2013

Minnesota Souvenirs go to Russia!

Well, it's almost time! After months of planning, praying, and waiting, we are now just two weeks away from getting on a plane headed to Tambov, Russia.  It's funny how it didn't really feel real until now - but now that we have official dates and flight itineraries, it most certainly feels real!

At this stage of the game it's all about the packing...and shopping.  We need to make sure we each have everything we need for two weeks of hard labor, living in tents, and of course being in a foreign country - voltage adapters, etc.

I must say, my emotions are shifting weekly; from excited to nervous to cautious to frustrated to anxious and finally to READY.  I am READY! 

Thank you to everyone who has supported this incredibly important trip.  It is truly a blessing to have so many people give to this ministry work.  Thank you!

I do have one more ask to throw out there - souvenirs.  We'd like to bring things with us that we can give as gifts to the folks we will be meeting and working with in Tambov.  So if you have any new, or at least mostly new, hats, t-shirts, etc that represent Minnesota please let me know.  

And of course I'd love to have your prayers for a safe and fruitful journey!   

God bless! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Almost there! - Russia Missions Trip Fundraising

Thank you so much to those that have donated and supported this very important project!  All of your support is such a blessing.

We are close to meeting our fundraising goal for the trip, close but not quite there. 

If you'd like to give a financial gift you can click here and go right to the online giving page.

Check out my previous posts for details about this trip.

In His Name!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Russia Missions Trip - Update

As an update to my previous post I wanted to post a couple of new links, great information about Transformation Christian Center - Russia.

This video provides a great overview of TCC's mission and purpose.  And here you can open and print a PDF of the TCC brochure.  Provides a really good summary of their current and future ministries.  

Below are pictures of the actual site, this is the building we will be working on, and the Hutchcrafts.  
Matt and Jaci Hutchcraft Family

Transformation Christian Center - Tambov Russia 

For those that have already checked out the blog, videos, etc.  Thank you!  And to those that have already given, thank you so much!  

We continue ot work on raising funds for this trip; as well as support by way of prayer and advice.  

I'm looking for support on a few different levels:
  • Prayer - Please be praying for me and for the entire team as we prepare for and then arrive in Tambov.  For many of us, this is both our first missions trip and first time traveling abroad. 
  • Advice - I'm looking for advice from others who have done this before; either gone on a missions trip or traveled to Russia recently.  Please post advice by way of comments on this site or shoot me an e-mail
  • Financial - Northridge asks its short-term missions folks to fund 1/3 of their trip expenses thru fund-raising efforts like this one. Anything over my $1000 personal fund-raising goal will help defray the cost of construction materials for the trip.  We’re estimating that building materials will run about $12,000.  There are a few different ways to donate:
    • You can donate online 
    • You can send a check directly to Send International, details below.
    • If you'd like a PDF of a giving form to send in via US Mail just let me know and I'll get it to you. 

In His Name!

Mailing Address for Donations via Check
Please include “Account #520120” in the memo area of your check.
SEND International
Attn: Denise Allen
RE: Account Number 520120, NRF, Shane Raymond
PO Box 513
Farmington, MI  48332

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I'm going! The Russia Missions Trip - 2013

I'm Going - All The Way to Russia!
Northridge Fellowship (Rogers MN) Missions Trip to Tambov, Russia 

This summer I will be traveling with a dozen or so Northridgers to Tambov, Russia; only 4910 miles from home.  We're going with glad hearts to to do some heavy lifting in the name of Jesus!

We will be in Russia June 10th - 24th to work along side missionaries Matt and Jaci Hutchcraft.  Our primary objective while there is to work on construction related activities on a 3-story multi-purpose building (Transformation Christian Center) used primarily as a rehab facility and housing for a family camp.  

Here's a link to a video about the work we'll be doing: Northridge Russia Trip

I'm both excited and nervous about this trip.  I'm excited as I get to see another part of the world and will have the opportunity to serve along side several fellow believers.  I'm nervous because we'll be a long way from home, in unfamiliar territory doing work that's a far cry from my day-to-day norms. I don't think I'll be working on spreadsheets nor sitting in many meetings while I'm there.  

I need your support!  

I'm looking for support on a few different levels:
  • Prayer - Please be praying for me and for the entire team as we prepare for and then arrive in Tambov.  For many of us, this is both our first missions trip and first time traveling abroad. 
  • Advice - I'm looking for advice from others who have done this before; either gone on a missions trip or traveled to Russia recently.  Please post advice by way of comments on this site or shoot me an e-mail
  • Financial - Northridge asks its short-term missions folks to fund 1/3 of their trip expenses thru fund-raising efforts like this one.  Anything over my $1000 personal fund-raising goal will help defray the cost of construction materials for the trip.  We’re estimating that building materials will run about $12,000.  There are a few different ways to donate:
    • You can donate online 
    • You can send a check directly to Send International, details below.
    • If you'd like a PDF of a giving form to send in via US Mail just let me know and I'll get it to you. 
I'm very excited about the chance to serve and support the work being done on at Transformation Christian Center!  I'll be posting updates to this site as we move forward.  Thank you for your support! 

In His Name!

Mailing Address for Donations via Check
Please include “Account #520120” in the memo area of your check.
SEND International
Attn: Denise Allen
RE: Account Number 520120, NRF, Shane Raymond
PO Box 513
Farmington, MI  48332