Monday, June 3, 2013

Minnesota Souvenirs go to Russia!

Well, it's almost time! After months of planning, praying, and waiting, we are now just two weeks away from getting on a plane headed to Tambov, Russia.  It's funny how it didn't really feel real until now - but now that we have official dates and flight itineraries, it most certainly feels real!

At this stage of the game it's all about the packing...and shopping.  We need to make sure we each have everything we need for two weeks of hard labor, living in tents, and of course being in a foreign country - voltage adapters, etc.

I must say, my emotions are shifting weekly; from excited to nervous to cautious to frustrated to anxious and finally to READY.  I am READY! 

Thank you to everyone who has supported this incredibly important trip.  It is truly a blessing to have so many people give to this ministry work.  Thank you!

I do have one more ask to throw out there - souvenirs.  We'd like to bring things with us that we can give as gifts to the folks we will be meeting and working with in Tambov.  So if you have any new, or at least mostly new, hats, t-shirts, etc that represent Minnesota please let me know.  

And of course I'd love to have your prayers for a safe and fruitful journey!   

God bless! 

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